Nefertari QV66

Pillars I-IV

The Pillars in the Sarcophagus Chamber

Axonometric drawing of Burial chamber, showing the four pillars

Based on Heike C. Schmidt, “Die transfiguration der Nefertari: Ein Leben im Glanz der Sonne,” in Nefertari: Gemahlin Ramses’ II (Mainz am Rhein: Verlag Phillipp von Zabern, 1994), 108, Abb. 150 a and b. Enhanced and coloured by Elisabetta Ferrero, Archivio White Star, American University in Cairo Press. (, public domain.

Burial Chamber, showing Pillars III and IV

Photo courtesy of kairoinfo4u (Flickr), permission granted for educational use.


Pillars I-IV

Four square pillars, cut from the living rock, support the ceiling. They stand on either side of steps leading down into shallow depression in the center of the burial chamber, where Nefertari was laid to rest in her sarcophagus. The chart to the right shows the subject of each of the pillar's four faces.

On the inner west and east faces of the pillars, on either side and facing the steps, is an image of the mummiform Osiris, with the feathered white atef-crown, standing in a golden shrine. On inner north and south faces of the pillars, facing the center depression, and so the Nefertari's coffin, is an image of djed pillar. The djed pillar, associated with Osiris and rebirth and regeneration. The djed pillar also stood for enduring stability, as wells as a visual pun, the very stablity of the four pillars as they hold up the tombs ceiling.1

As you enter the burial chamber, you will see, on the Pillar to the right (I), the figure of Horus Iunmutef (Horis, Pillar of his Mother), and on the left (II), Harendotes (Horus, who Protects hs Father). The rest of the composition is made up oof protector gods - Isis with Nefertari (on three pillar faces), Hathor with Nefertari (on two), and Anubis with Nefertari (on one).

1Gertrud Thausing and Hans Goedicke, Nofretari: Eine Dokumentation der Wandgemälde ihres Grabes. A Documentation of her Tomb and its Decoration (Graz: Akademische Druk- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1971), 52.


Pillar I

South Face of Pillar I, Horus Iunmutef

Photo by kairoinfo4u (Flickr), permission granted for educational use.
Photo: Ernesto Schiaparelli (1904), “La Tomba di Nofretari Mirinmut,” Relazione sui lavori della missione archeologica italiana in Egitto, Volume 1 (Torino, G. Chiantore, 1923), 95.

1. Dd mdw in Hr Iwn-mw.t=f ink sa=k mry=k it=i Wsir ii.n(=i)
1-2. nDnD=i xri=k
Words spoken by Horus Iunmutef: “I am your son, whom you love, my father Osiris, I have come to you, in order to take counsel with you.

2. Hw.n(=i) n=k xfty.w=k (sp-4) D.t. di=k sa.t=k mry=k
I have smitten your enemies for you (4x) for eternity. May you cause that your daughter, your beloved one,

3. {y=k} Wsir Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy (Nfr.t iry mr(.y)t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t) xrw Htp=T m iwnw PsD.t aA.t
The Osiris, Great wife of the king, Lady of the Two Lands Nefertari Meritenmut, true of voice, rest in the sanctuary of the great Ennead,

4. imy.w xt Wsir
who follow (temporally) Osiris,

5-6. Xnm.n sw nb.w tA Dsr
whom the lords of the Sacred land have joined.”

sA anx Dd wAs
Protection, Life, Stability, and Dominion

West Face of Pillar I, Hathor with Nefertari

Photo by kairoinfo4u (Flickr), permission granted for educational use.
Photo: Ernesto Schiaparelli (1904), “La Tomba di Nofretari Mirinmut,” Relazione sui lavori della missione archeologica italiana in Egitto, Volume 1 (Torino, G. Chiantore, 1923), 95.

Hw.t-Hr hr.t-tp wAs.t nb.t p.t
Hathor, Chieftainess of Thebes, Lady of the sky

Wsir Hm.t nsw.t wr.t (Nfr.t-iry mr(y).t n Mw.t)|
The Osiris, Great Wife of the King, Nefertari Meritenmut (Beloved of the Goddess Mut).

sA anx Dd wAs snb nb HA=s
All Protection, Life, Stability, Dominion,and Health are behind her.


East Face of Pillar I, Osiris

Osiris from the East face of Pillar I, Photo: Ernesto Schiaparelli (1904), “La Tomba di Nofretari Mirinmut,” Relazione sui lavori della missione archeologica italiana in Egitto, Volume 1 (Torino, G. Chiantore, 1923), 95.

On the inner side of the Pillars facing the stairs (I east, II west, III east, IV west) are images of Osiris. Depicted as a mummy, wearing the atef-crown, Osiris stands in a golden shrine, holding a crook and flail. On either side of him are two stuffed, headless leopard skins tied on poles, planted in stands resembling flowerpots. These are imuit fetishes, usually associated with the god Anubis.

1-3. Wsir xnty imnt.t nTr aA HqA psD.t
Osiris, foremost of the west, the great god, ruler of the Ennead.

In front of his body: di.n(=i) n=T xaa Ra m p.t
I have given to you (f.) the appearance of Re in Heaven.

Behind his body: sA anx Dd wAs HA=s nb mi Ra
All Protection, Life, Stability, Dominion are behind her, like Re.

South Face of Pillar I: Djed-Pillar

Detail of photo courtesy of kairoinfo4u (Flickr), permission granted for educational use.
Photo: Ernesto Schiaparelli (1904), “La Tomba di Nofretari Mirinmut,” Relazione sui lavori della missione archeologica italiana in Egitto, Volume 1 (Torino, G. Chiantore, 1923), 95.

On the inner south and north faces of these pillars (I north, II north, III south, IV south) are Djed-Pillars, they face toward the lower part of the chamber, which contained the sarcophagus.
There is slight veriation in the text for each Djed-Pillar

Top (right to left): Wsir Hm.t nsw.t wr.t (Nfr.t iry mr(.y)t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t) xrw
The Osiris, Great wife of the king, Lady of the Two Lands Nefertari Meritenmut, true of voice

Right Side: Wsir Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy Hnw.t SmAw-mHw(Nfr.t iry mr(.y)t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t) xrw xr Wsir
The Osiris, Great wife of the king, Lady of the Two Lands, Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt Nefertari Meritenmut, true of voice, in the presence of Osiris

Left Side: Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy Hnw.t SmAw-mHw (Nfr.t iry mr(.y)t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t) xrw xr Wsir
Great wife of the king, Lady of the Two Lands, Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt Nefertari Meritenmut, true of voice, in the presence of Osiris.

Pillar II

South Face of Pillar II, Harendotes

Photo by kairoinfo4u (Flickr), permission granted for educational use.
Photo: Ernesto Schiaparelli (1904), “La Tomba di Nofretari Mirinmut,” Relazione sui lavori della missione archeologica italiana in Egitto, Volume 1 (Torino, G. Chiantore, 1923), 95.

1. Dd mdw in Hr-nD-Hr-it=f ink sa=k mry=k pr m Ha.w=k
Words spoken by Harendotes (“Horus who protects his father,” or Harnedjheritef/Hornedjheritef “Horus who Avenges his Father”): “I am your son, whom you love, who goes forth from your body

2. ii.n(=i) Tz.n(=i) n=k Ha.w=k in.n(=i) n=k ib=k it=i Wsir xnty imnt.t
I have come, and I have tied your body for you, I have brought your heart to you, my father, Osiris, foremost of the west.

3. di=k Xnm Hm.t nsw.t
May you cause that Great wife of the king,

4. wr.t nb.t tA.wy (Nfr.t iry mr(.y)t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t) xrw
Lady of the Two Lands, Nefertari Meritenmut, true of voice,

5. xr PsD.t aA.t imy.w Xr.t-nTr
In the presence of the great Ennead, join those who are in the necropolis.”

sA anx Dd wAs snb nb HA=f nb
Protection, Life, Stability, Dominion, and all Health are all behind him.

East Face of Pillar II, Isis with Nefertari

Photo: Ernesto Schiaparelli (1904), “La Tomba di Nofretari Mirinmut,” Relazione sui lavori della missione archeologica italiana in Egitto, Volume 1 (Torino, G. Chiantore, 1923), 95.

Hm.t nsw.t wr.t (Nfr.t-iry mr(y).t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t)-xrw
Great Wife of the King, Nefertari Meritenmut (Beloved of the Goddess Mut), true of voice.

As.t nb.t p.t
Isis, Lady of the sky

sA anx Dd wAs
Protection, life, stability, and dominion


West Face of Pillar II, Osiris

Osiris from the West face of Pillar II, Photo by kairoinfo4u (Flickr), permission granted for educational use.

On the inner side of the Pillars facing the stairs (I east, II west, III east, IV west) are images of Osiris. Although they are similar, there is slight variation in texts. Osiris, depicted as a mummy and wearing the atef-crown, stands in a golden shrine, holding a crook and flail. On either side of him are two stuffed, headless leopard skins tied on poles, planted in stands resembling flowerpots. These are imuit fetishes, usually associated with the god Anubis.

1-3. Wsir xnty imnt.t nTr aA HqA psD.t
Osiris, foremost of the west, the great god, ruler of the Ennead.

In front of his body: di.n(=i) n=T s.t m tA Dsr
I give you (f.) a place in the sacred land.

Behind his body: sA anx Dd wAs snb nb HA=f nb
Protection, Life, Stability, Dominion, and all Health are all behind him.

South Face of Pillar II: Djed-Pillar

Detail of photo courtesy of kairoinfo4u (Flickr), permission granted for educational use.

On the inner south and north faces of these pillars (I north, II north, III south, IV south) are Djed-Pillars, they face toward the lower part of the chamber, which contained the sarcophagus.
There is slight veriation in the text for each Djed-Pillar

Top (right to left): Wsir Hm.t nsw.t wr.t (Nfr.t iry mr(.y)t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t) xrw
The Osiris, Great wife of the king, Lady of the Two Lands Nefertari Meritenmut, true of voice

Right Side: Wsir Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy (Nfr.t iry mr(.y)t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t) xrw xr Wsir nTr aA
Great wife of the king, Lady of the Two Lands, Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt Nefertari Meritenmut, true of voice, in the presence of Osiris, the great god.

Left Side: Wsir Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy (Nfr.t iry mr(.y)t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t) xrw xr nTr.w nb.w nHH
Great wife of the king, Lady of the Two Lands, Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt Nefertari Meritenmut, true of voice, in the presence of all the gods, forever

Pillar III

North Face of Pillar III, Hathor with Nefertari

Photo by kairoinfo4u (Flickr), permission granted for educational use.
Photo: Ernesto Schiaparelli (1904), “La Tomba di Nofretari Mirinmut,” Relazione sui lavori della missione archeologica italiana in Egitto, Volume 1 (Torino, G. Chiantore, 1923), 95.

Hw.t-Hr hr.t-tp wAs.t nb.t p.t Hnw.t ntr.w nb.w Hnw.t tA.wy
Hathor, Chieftainess of Thebes, Lady of the sky, Mistress of all the gods, Mistress of the Two Lands

Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy (Nfr.t-iry mr(y).t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t)-xrw
Great Wife of the King, Lady of the Two Lands, Nefertari Meritenmut (Beloved of the Goddess Mut), true of voice.

sA anx Dd wAs HA=s nb
All Protection, Life, Stability, and Dominion are behind her.


Note: Gertrud Thausing and Hans Goedicke, Nofretari: Eine Dokumentation der Wandgemälde ihres Grabes. A Documentation of her Tomb and its Decoration (Graz: Akademische Druk- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1971) mistakenly switches Hathor from the north face of pillar III with Isis from the north face of pillar IV, see pages 52-3, and plates 104 and 108.

West Face of Pillar III, Isis with Nefertari

Photo: Ernesto Schiaparelli (1904), “La Tomba di Nofretari Mirinmut,” Relazione sui lavori della missione archeologica italiana in Egitto, Volume 1 (Torino, G. Chiantore, 1923), 95.

As.t nb.t p.t Hnw.t ntr.w nb.w
Isis, Lady of the sky, Mistress of all the gods

Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb(.t) (tA.wy) (Nfr.t-iry mr(y).t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t)-xrw
Great Wife of the King, Lady (of the Two Lands), Nefertari Meritenmut (Beloved of the Goddess Mut), true of voice.

sA anx Dd wAs
Protection, life, stability, and dominion


East Face of Pillar III, Osiris

On the inner side of the pillars facing the stairs (I east, II west, III east, IV west) are images of Osiris. Although they are similar, there is slight variation in texts.,

Osiris, depicted as a mummy and wearing the atef-crown, stands in a golden shrine, holding a crook and flail. On either side of him are two stuffed, headless leopard skins tied on poles, planted in stands resembling flowerpots. These are imuit fetishes, usually associated with the god Anubis.

1-3. Wsir xnty imnt.t nTr aA nb tA Dsr nsw.t r nHH
Osiris, foremost of the west, the great god, lord of the sacred land, king for nHH-eternity.

In front of his body: di.n(=i) n=T s.t m tA Dsr D.t sp-2
I give you (f.) a place in the sacred land forever (2x).

Behind his body: sA anx HA=f mi Ra
Protection and Life are behind him, like Re.

North Face of Pillar III: Djed-Pillar

Detail of photo courtesy of kairoinfo4u (Flickr), permission granted for educational use.

On the inner south and north faces of these pillars (I north, II north, III south, IV south) are Djed-Pillars, they face toward the lower part of the chamber, which contained the sarcophagus.
There is slight veriation in the text for each Djed-Pillar

Top (right to left): Wsir Hm.t nsw.t wr.t (Nfr.t iry mr(.y)t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t) xrw
The Osiris, Great wife of the king, Lady of the Two Lands Nefertari Meritenmut, true of voice

Right Side: Wsir Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy (Nfr.t iry mr(.y)t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t) xrw xr Wsir
The Osiris, Great wife of the king, Lady of the Two Lands, Nefertari Meritenmut, true of voice, in the presence of Osiris

Left Side: Wsir Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy (Nfr.t iry mr(.y)t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t) xrw xr nTr.w nb.w
The Osiris, Great wife of the king, Lady of the Two Lands, Nefertari Meritenmut, true of voice, in the presence of all the gods.

Pillar IV

North Face of Pillar IV, Isis with Nefertari

Photo by kairoinfo4u (Flickr), permission granted for educational use.
Photo by kairoinfo4u (Flickr), permission granted for educational use.

As.t nb.t p.t
Isis, Lady of the sky

Wsir Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy (Nfr.t-iry mr(y).t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t)-xrw xr nb.w
The Osiris, Great Wife of the King, Lady of the Two Lands, Nefertari Meritenmut (Beloved of the Goddess Mut), true of voice, in the presence of all (the gods).

Note: Gertrud Thausing and Hans Goedicke, Nofretari: Eine Dokumentation der Wandgemälde ihres Grabes. A Documentation of her Tomb and its Decoration (Graz: Akademische Druk- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1971) mistakenly switches Hathor from the north face of pillar III with Isis from the north face of pillar IV, see pages 52-3, and plates 104 and 108. nefertariC

East Face of Pillar IV, Anubis with Nefertari

Photo: Ernesto Schiaparelli (1904), “La Tomba di Nofretari Mirinmut,” Relazione sui lavori della missione archeologica italiana in Egitto, Volume 1 (Torino, G. Chiantore, 1923), 95.

Wsir Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy (Nfr.t-iry mr(y).t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t)-xrw xr nTr aA
The Osiris, Great Wife of the King, Lady of the Two Lands, Nefertari Meritenmut (Beloved of the Goddess Mut), true of voice, in the presence of the great god.

‘Inpw imy-wt (nb tA) Dsr
Anubis, foremost of the divine booth, who is in his place of embalming, (Lord of) the sacred (land).

sA ⸢anx⸣ [Dd wAs]
Protection, life, [stability, and dominion]

Note: wt “wrappings, place of embalming” is apparently masculine, see Wörterbuch, 380; Faulkner, 71.


West Face of Pillar IV, Osiris

Detail of photo courtesy of kairoinfo4u (Flickr), permission granted for educational use.

On the inner side of the Pillars facing the stairs (I east, II west, III east, IV west) are images of Osiris. Although they are similar, there is slight variation in texts.,

Osiris, depicted as a mummy and wearing the atef-crown, stands in a golden shrine, holding a crook and flail. On either side of him are two stuffed, headless leopard skins tied on poles, planted in stands resembling flowerpots. These are imuit fetishes, usually associated with the god Anubis.

1-3. Wsir xnty imnt.t Wn-nfr nTr aA nb Xr.t-nTr
Osiris, foremost of the west, Wennefer (Onnouphris, the perfect one), the great god, lord of the necropolis.nHH-eternity.

In front of his body: di.n(=i) n=T s.t m tA Dsr D.t sp-2
I give you (f.) a place in the sacred land forever (2x).

Behind his body: sA anx Dd wAs HA=f mi Ra
Protection, Life, Stability, and Dominion are behind him, like Re.

North Face of Pillar IV: Djed-Pillar

Detail of photo courtesy of kairoinfo4u (Flickr), permission granted for educational use.

On the inner south and north faces of these pillars (I north, II north, III south, IV south) are Djed-Pillars, they face toward the lower part of the chamber, which contained the sarcophagus.
There is slight veriation in the text for each Djed-Pillar

Top (left to right): Wsir Hm.t nsw.t wr.t (Nfr.t iry mr(.y)t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t) xrw
The Osiris, Great wife of the king, Lady of the Two Lands Nefertari Meritenmut, true of voice

Right Side: Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy (Nfr.t iry mr(.y)t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t) xrw xr nTr.w nb.w tA Dsr
Great wife of the king, Lady of the Two Lands, Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt Nefertari Meritenmut, true of voice, , in the presence of all the gods of the sacred land.

Left Side: Wsir Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy Hnw.t SmAw-mHw (Nfr.t iry mr(.y)t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t) xrw xr [Wsir nTr aA]
Great wife of the king, Lady of the Two Lands, Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt Nefertari Meritenmut, true of voice, , in the presence of [Osiris, the great god].


Go to another room


I. Return to Introduction to QV66

II. Floor Plan
III. Tomb
  A and B Entrance
  C Antechamber
  C Antechamber (Part 2)
  D Passage
  E Recess
  F Doorway to Sideroom
  G Side Room
  H Entrance to Corridor
  I Corridor (Upper)
  I Corridor (Lower)
  J Entrance to Burial Chamber
  K Burial chamber
    Pillars I-IV
  L Entrance to Side Room
  M West Side Room
  N Entrance to Side Room
  O East Side Room
  P Entrance to Small Inner Room
  Q Small Inner Room


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