Nefertari QV66


妮菲塔莉墓中的壁畫 (QV66, 王后谷第66號墓)


English Version of this site, including a transcription and translation of the texts from the walls of Nefertari’s tomb (QV66)

妮菲塔莉墓中的妮菲塔莉壁畫 (QV66, 王后谷第66號墓, 約公元前 1255年)
Hm.t nsw.t wr.t (Nfr(.t)-iry mr(y.t) n Mw.t)| wbn Ra [n mr(w).t=s] di anx

大王后, 妮菲塔莉·梅里頓-穆特 (Nefertari Meriten-Mut,「姆特女神所爱之人」之義), 由於愛她陽光普照, 她被賦予生命 (刻於阿布辛貝小神殿的妮菲塔莉稱號)
阿布辛貝小神殿的妮菲塔莉雕像, 攝影者: Benjamin Daniels (孫傑明), 1995年 11月.

妮菲塔莉墓 (QV66, 王后谷第66號墓)



  A: 入口坡道 (18台階)
  B: 墓入口
  C (I): 前廳
  D: 通道
  E (Ia): 凹進
  F: 門廊
  G (II): 側室
  H: 走廊入口
  I: 走廊
  J: 墓室門廊
  K (III): 墓室
  L: 側室入口
  M (IV): 西側室
  N: 側室入口
  O (V): 東側室
  P: 內室入口
  Q (VI): 內室入口

空间的编号出自 John K. McDonald, House of Eternity: The Tomb of Nefertari (Los Angeles, 1996); 德國出版物使用羅馬數字.


1Gertrud Thausing and Hans Goedicke, Nofretari: Eine Dokumentation der Wandgemälde ihres Grabes. A Documentation of her Tomb and its Decoration (Graz: Akademische Druk- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1971).

2M.A. Corzo, Wall Paintings of the Tomb of Nefertari: Scientific Studies for their Conservation, First Progress Report July, 1987 (Cairo and Century City, CA: Egyptian Antiquities Organization and J. Paul Getty Trust, 1987).

3Heike C. Schmidt and Joachim Willeitner, Nefertari: Gemahlin Ramses’ II (Mainz am Rhein: Verlag Phillipp von Zabern, 1994).

4John K. McDonald, House of Eternity: The Tomb of Nefertari, (Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Trust, 1996).

C. 前庭東壁南段


阿努比斯 (Anubis, 豺頭人身神)



‘Inpw xnty sH-nTr imy-wt nb R-stAw tpy Dw=f nb tA Dsr

阿努比斯, 位於防腐聖間之前者, 防腐術之主, 羅塞陶(Rosetau)的主, 居其山嶽之上者, 神土之主。

C. 前庭南壁東段


妮菲塔莉在歐西里斯(Osiris 陰間神, 一譯奧西里斯)之前崇拜

妮菲塔莉衣白色長袍,戴禿鷹頭飾和長長的雙羽冠,立於歐西里斯面前,雙臂高舉崇拜。著阿特夫王冠的歐西里斯端坐神社内, 在他前面的小架子上,荷魯斯(Horus 一譯霍魯斯)的四個兒子的木乃伊形式。頭頂太陽圓盤的烏拉烏斯(聖蛇)裝飾著神社顶端。
本照片由 Ernesto Schiaparelli (1904), see “La Tomba di Nofretari Mirinmut,” Relazione sui lavori della missione archeologica italiana in Egitto, Volume 1 (Torino, G. Chiantore, 1923), Plate 16.
Anubis Shrine and Canopic Shrine from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62). The shrine, adorned with uraei with sun disks, resembles the shrine here, in which Orisis is seated.

"The Treasury," October 1926, Harry Burton (British, 1879–1940), Gelatin silver print; 6 7/8 x 9 1/8 in. (17.5 x 23.2 cm), The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Archives of the Department of Egyptian Art, ©The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. For educational use, according to the Metropolitan Museum of Art terms and conditions.


Wsir Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy (Nfr.t-iry mr(y).t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t)-xrw xr nTr aA

歐西里斯(Osiris, 因為死者受諸神的審判之後跟陰間神歐西里斯一樣戰勝了死亡,他們也被稱作歐西里斯,事實上就是已故的意思),大王后, 妮菲塔莉·梅里頓-穆特,真實的聲音,在偉大的神面前。


Wsir xnty imnt.t Wnn-nfr nb ta Dsr nTr aA HqA PsD.t nb ‘Iwgr.t Hr-ib abDw.

歐西里斯, foremost of the West, Wennefer, lord of the sacred land, 於偉大的神, who rules the ennead, lord of Iugeret (the realm of the dead) in 阿拜多斯.

C. 前庭南壁西段


Text: 《死者之書》第17章(咒語)

The text and images on the walls of this room are from Chapter 17 of the Book of the Dead, one of the most important and longest chapters. Hieroglyphs can be oriented and read in four diffent directions. In horizontal rows, from left to right or right to left, and in vertical columns, from left to right or right to left. The “normal” fashion is to read into the signs, with humans and animals facing towards the beginning of the line. The captions in Nefertari's tomb are written in this fashion.

However, as with papyri versions of the Book of the Dead, the hieroglyphs of the text of Chapter 17 is written retrograde, common for religious texts. This means that the hieroglyphs are oriented facing to the right, so they would be read in “normal” fashion from right to left. But the columns themselves are read left to right, opposite the usual reading direction.

The text here is far from complete, but according to Gertrud Thausing and Hans Goedicke, “That the text is quoted only partially in no way infringes on its significance as a religious statement, as rendering of a part substitutes for the whole” (Nofretari: Eine Dokumentation der Wandgemälde ihres Grabes. A Documentation of her Tomb and its Decoration (Graz: Akademische Druk- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1971), 35).

The text has been slightly damaged. I am able to use Ernesto Schiaparelli's photographs from 1904, when the walls were less damaged, to fill in some of the missing text. To reconstruct the damaged parts of the rest, I have used parallel versions found in Günther Lapp, Totenbuch Spruch 17 (Basel: Orientverlag, 2006).

Images: 《死者之書》第17章(咒語)

The illustrative register on the west half of the south wall depicts Queen Nefertari in three transformations. In the first, Nefertari is depicted in a reed shelter, known as a seh, seated on a high-backed wooden chair covered with a plaid covering, playing the board game senet. This vignette of the deceased playing senet was an important allegorical feature of Chapter 17 during the 19th Dyansty. In her right hand, Nefertari is holding a sekhem scepter, while she reaches out with her left to move one of the pieces.

In the second image, she is represented as human-headed bird perched on a shrine, the representation of her ba-soul.

In the third image, she is kneeling with her arms raised in adoration, representing her ka-soul. She is facing the the so-called Akeru (Akr.w) “horizon lions,” depicted around the corner from her on the west wall. These two lions are sitting back to back with the sun in between them forming the akhet-sign (Ax.t, "horizon"). Over them stretches the sign pet (p.t) for sky. These double lions known variously as Ruty (Rw.ty, “the double lions”), identified as Shu and Tefnut, are also interpreted as as the earth god Aker. In this form, the two lions guard the gate of the dawn and evening, and are called the Akeru (Akr.w). In versions of the Book of the Dead, such as the Papyrus of Ani (EA10470,3, shown below), the lion on the left is labeled Sef (Sf, Yesterday), and the lion on the right is Duau (DwAw, Tomorrow). The vignette is drawn retrograde, being read from left to right, but based on other copies of the Book of the Dead, these lions are still read right to left.

In the image of Nefertari playing senet, she wears a semi-transparent white gown, which lacks a sash and is parted along its length, revealing her naked body underneath. As with other images of her in the tomb, she is adorned with lotus-bud earrings, a wide golden necklace, and on her head she wears a vulture crown. However, unlike every other image of her in the tomb, where she is represented as barefoot, in the two images of her playing senet and worshipping the “Horizon lions” on this wall, she is shown wearing sandals.


Wsir Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy (Nfr.t-iry mr(y).t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t)-xrw xr Wsir nTr aA

歐西里斯,大王后, 两地之女主人妮菲塔莉·梅里頓-穆特, 真實的聲音(已證清白), 於歐西里斯,偉大的神面前。

人頭鳥(ba-bird, 「巴」)上面的注文:
Wsir Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy (Nfr.t-iry mr(y).t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t)-xrw

歐西里斯,大王后, 妮菲塔莉·梅里頓-穆特, 真實的聲音(已證清白)。

Wsir Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy (Nfr.t-iry mr(y).t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t)-xrw xr Wsir nTr aA nb imnt.t

歐西里斯,大王后, 两地之女主人,妮菲塔莉·梅里頓-穆特, 真實的聲音(已證清白), 於歐西里斯,偉大的神,西方之主面前,。

本照片由 Ernesto Schiaparelli (1904), see “La Tomba di Nofretari Mirinmut,” Relazione sui lavori della missione archeologica italiana in Egitto, Volume 1 (Torino, G. Chiantore, 1923), Plate 19.



1-2) [HAt-a m sTs.w sxA].w n pr(t) hAy(t) m Xrt-nTr Ax.t
3-5) imnt.t nfr.t pri m hrw r ir.t xpr.w m xpr.w nb(.w) mry=f Hba
(Hba Play drsughts (senet?), f. 167) sn(.t) Hms(t) m
6) sH pr(t) m bA anx in Wsir
7-8) Hm.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy (Nfr.t-iry mr.t-n-Mw.t)| mAa.t xrw m-xt mni=f

The beginning of the praises and commemorations (or - sAx.w ritual recitations) of going in and out from the glorious necropolis (or - from the necropolis, as an Akh-spirit) in the beautiful west; going forth in the day and taking forms in any form that he (sic) desires, playing the board game senet, sitting in the pavilion, and going forth as a living ba-spirit, by the Osiris, the Great King’s Wife, Lady of the Two Lands, Nefertari-Meryt-en-Mut, justified (true of voice), after he (sic) died.

iw Ax.wt n ir (st) tp tA xpr
9) mdw.t nb tm
‘Itmw ink ‘Itmw m wny m wa.kwi m Nwn ink Ra m
10) xay=f HqA ir.n=f pw-tr r(f) sw Ra pw m SA(a).n=f
11) HqA ir.n=f m SA(a) Ra
12-13) pw xaa(=f) m nsw.t ir.n=f m nn nswt m wnt n xpr sTsw-
14) Sw iw.f Hr qAA n imy xmnw
15) ink nTr-aA (xpr Ds.f).

It is useful for one who does it on the earth, all the words come into being in completion. Atum, I am Atum, when he was alone in the Nun (primeval water). I am Re‘ appearing in his glory, who rules what he has made. What does it mean? It is Re‘ when he began to rule what he had made. It is when Re‘ began (his) appearance as king of what he made in Herakleopolis. Before the Supports of Shu came into being, he was on the (primeval) hill in Hermopolis. I am the Great God (who created himself).

Parallel Vignette, from the Papyrus of Ani 本照片由 E. A. Wallis Budge, The Book of the Dead: Papyrus of Ani (London: Philip Lee Warner, 1913), public domain.

C. 前廳西壁


The images in the top register are a continution of the Vignette for the Chapter 17 of the Book of the Dead.

The first image is the “Horizon lions" discussed above, followed by the Benu Bird (bnw).

本照片由 kairoinfo4u(Flickr)友情提供并授予教育用途許可。
本照片由 kairoinfo4u(Flickr)友情提供并授予教育用途許可。
本照片由 kairoinfo4u(Flickr)友情提供并授予教育用途許可。

本照片由 Ernesto Schiaparelli (1904), see “La Tomba di Nofretari Mirinmut,” Relazione sui lavori della missione archeologica italiana in Egitto, Volume 1 (Torino, G. Chiantore, 1923), Plate 20.

C. 前廳北壁


本照片由 Ernesto Schiaparelli (1904), see “La Tomba di Nofretari Mirinmut,” Relazione sui lavori della missione archeologica italiana in Egitto, Volume 1 (Torino, G. Chiantore, 1923), Plate 20.
本照片由 Ernesto Schiaparelli (1904), see “La Tomba di Nofretari Mirinmut,” Relazione sui lavori della missione archeologica italiana in Egitto, Volume 1 (Torino, G. Chiantore, 1923), Plate 27.

C. 前廳東壁北段





Wsir xnty imnt.t Wnn-nfr nsw.t anx(.w) nTr aA HqA PsD.t nb r nHH HqA D.t Hr-ib ta Dsr

歐西里斯, foremost of the West, Wennefer, king of the living, 偉大的神, who rules the ennead, lord of neheh-eternity, ruler of djet-eternity in the sacred land.

The column written in fron of Osiris

di.n=(i) n=(T) nHH mi it(=i) Ra

I have given you nHH-eternity like your father, Re‘.

C. 前廳東壁門楣



J. 墓室門廊


走廊盡頭是通向墓室的門廊,門楣上是跪著的瑪亞特(Ma'at, 一譯瑪阿特)女神畫像,她雙翼舒展, 象徵真理的鴕鳥羽插在髮帶上。門框兩邊書有妮菲塔莉的稱號。


Dd mdw in MAa.t sA.t Ra xwy(=i) sA.t(=i) Hm.t nsw.t wr.t (Nfr.t-iry mr(y).t n Mw.t)| mAa.t-xrw

楣:瑪亞特女神, 太陽神拉之女言說: 我保護我的女兒, 大王后, 妮菲塔莉·梅里頓-穆特,真實的聲音 (已證清白)。

Right: Wsir Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy (Nfr.t-iry mr(y).t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t)-xrw xr Wsir
Left: Wsir Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy (Nfr.t-iry mr(y).t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t)-xrw xr Wsir nTr aA

Right: 右門框: 歐西里斯,大王后, 两地之女主人, 妮菲塔莉·梅里頓-穆特,真實的聲音,在歐西里斯,偉大的神面前。
左門框: 歐西里斯,大王后, 两地之女主人, 妮菲塔莉·梅里頓-穆特,真實的聲音,在歐西里斯面前。

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