Nefertari QV66

Ia. Upper Corridor, Shelf

Upper Corridor, left side above shelf, south wall, Serqet (Selket)

On the south wall, stands Serqet (Selket) with scorpion (her symbol) on her head, wearing a red beaded dress (to the left of Nefertari in the photo below).

Photo courtesy of kairoinfo4u (Flickr), permission granted for educational use.

1. Dd mdw in Srq.t nb.t p.t Hnw.t TA.wy Hr.t-ib tA Dsr<.t> ii.n xr(=i)

Word spoken by Selket (Serket), Lady of the Sky, Mistress of the Two Land, who dwells in her sacred land,

2.Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy (Nfr.t iry mr(.y)t n Mw(.t))| mAa(.t) xrw

(when) Great Wife of the King, Lady of the Two Lands Nefertari Meritenmut (Beloved of the Goddess Mut), True of Voice (Justified) came before me

3.Xr Wsir nTr aA sA anx Dd wAs snb Aw.t ib nb HA=s nb

Before Osiris, the Great God, All Protection, Life, Stability, Dominion, Health and joy are all behind her.

Upper Corridor, Left Side above Shelf


Around the corner from Serqet/Selket, on the west wall, stands Nefertari, wearing a culture crown with two tall plumes. She is offering two nw-jars to three goddesses. Before Nefertari, a table stands, loaded with bread, vegetables, and meat. The three goddesses are 1) Isis waers a headband and has the sundisk between two cow horns on her head. She wears a red beaded dress and is enthroned, holding a was-scepter and ankh, 2) Nephthys has a crown that is the hieroglyph of her name, meaning Lady of the House, a basket resting atop a house. Wearing a green dress, she is also seated, holding a was-scepter and ankh. Behind them is 3) Ma'at, , with her symbol, an ostich feather, tucked into her headband. She is kneeling with outstretched wings, shielding the queens cartouche and a shen-ring.

Around the corner on the north wall, there is a squat djed-pillar, with two arms, strecthed down to its sides, holding was-scepters

Photo courtesy of kairoinfo4u (Flickr), permission granted for educational use.
Photo courtesy of kairoinfo4u (Flickr), permission granted for educational use.

5. Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy
4. (Nfr.t-iry mr(y).t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t)-xrw
3. xr Wsir
2. xnty imnt.t nTr
1. aA HqA PsD.t nb r nHH HqA D.t sA anx Dd wAs snb Aw.t ib nb HA=s nb mi Ra

Great Wife of the King, Lady of the Two Lands, Nefertari Meritenmut (Beloved of the Goddess Mut), true of voice, in the presence of Osiris, foremost of the West, the great god, who rules the ennead, lord of nHH-eternity, ruler of D.t-eternity.
All Protection, Life, Stability, Dominion, Health and joy are all behind her, like Re.

6. Dd mdw Di.n[=i] n=T
7. Dd mdw nHH mi-Ra
8. As.t wr.t mw.t nTr nb.t p.t
9. Hnw.t nTr.w nb.w

Words Spoken: “I have given to you (Words Spoken) nHH-eternity, like Re‘”
Great Isis, Mother of the god, Lady of Heaven, Mistress of all the gods.

10. Dd mdw in Nb.t-Hw.t
11. nb.t p.t Hnw.t tA.wy
12. Dd mdw in MAa.t sA.t Ra nb.t
13. p.t Hnw.t tA.wy

Words spoken by Nephthys, Lady of Heaven, Mitress of the Two Lands

Words Spoken by Ma'at, daughter of Re‘, Lady of Heaven, Mistress of the Two Lands

Photo: Ernesto Schiaparelli (1904), see “La Tomba di Nofretari Mirinmut,” Relazione sui lavori della missione archeologica italiana in Egitto, Volume 1 (Torino, G. Chiantore, 1923), 90.

Upper Corridor, Right Side above Shelf


Nefertari, wearing a vulture headress, is offering two nw-jars to three goddesses. Before Nefertari, a table stands, loaded with bread, vegetables, and meat. The three goddesses are 1) Hathor is wearing a vulture crown surmounted with the sundisk between two cow horns, a plain green dress, and is enthroned, holding a was-scepter and ankh, 2) Serket/Selket, also seated, has a headband and her symbol, a scorpion on her head. She is Wearing a red beaded dress, and is holding a was-scepter and ankh. Behind them is 3) Ma'at, with her symbol, an ostich feather, tucked into her headband. She is kneeling with outstretched wings, shielding the queens cartouche and a shen-ring.

On this side, at the end, behind Ma'at, and around the corner, which is the thickness of the door to the entrance of the corridor, stands Neith.

Likewise, on the other end, around the corner, there is also a squat djed-pillar, with two arms, strecthed down to its sides, holding was-scepters

Photo courtesy of kairoinfo4u (Flickr), permission granted for educational use.
Photo courtesy of kairoinfo4u (Flickr), permission granted for educational use.

4. Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy nb.t-
3. imA.t bnr.t-mrw.t Hnw.t SmAw-mHw
2. Wsir (Nfr.t iry mr(.y)t n Mw.t)|
1. mAa(.t) xrw xr Wsir xnty imnt.t sA anx Dd wAs snb nb Aw.t ib nb HA=s nb mi Ra

The Great wife of the king, Lady of the Two Lands, Lady of Grace (lit. possessor of charms), Sweet of Love, Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt, the Osiris, Nefertari Meritenmut, true of voice, in the presence of Osiris, Foremost of the West, All Protection, Life, Stability, Dominion, all Health and all joy are all behind her, like Re.

5. Dd mdw Di.n[=i] n=t Xaa Ra m p.t
6. Dd mdw Di.n[=i] n=t r nHH mi Ra
7. Hw.t-Hr hr(y).t-tp WAs.t nb.t
8. p.t Hnw.t nTr.w nb.w

Words spoken: I have given to you the appearance of Re‘ in Heaven (the sun in the sky). Words spoken: I have given to you nHH-eternity like Re‘. Hathor, Chieftainess of Thebes, Lady of Heaven, Mistress of all the gods.

9. Dd mdw Di.n[=i] n=T nHH mi it=T Ra Htp.ti D.t
10. Srq.t nb.t p.t
11. Hnw.t tA Dsr
12. Dd mdw in MAa.t
13. sA.t Ra
14. Hnw.t tA Dsr
15. xwy=s
16. sA.t=s

Words spoken: I have given you nHH-eternity like your father Re‘, may you rest for D.t-eternity. Serqet/Selket Lady of Heaven, daughter of Re‘, Mistress of the Sacred Land, She protects her daughter

Lower Corridor

The Lower part of the corridor is mostly symmetrical, with a winged snake, recumbant Anubis, wearing a red scarf, holding a flail, Isis and Nephthys on either side. Funerary and netherworld texts.


Go to another room


I. Return to Introduction to QV66

II. Floor Plan
III. Tomb
  A and B Entrance
  C Antechamber
  C Antechamber (Part 2)
  D Passage
  E Recess
  F Doorway to Sideroom
  G Side Room
  H Entrance to Corridor
  I Corridor (Upper)
  I Corridor (Lower)
  J Entrance to Burial Chamber
  K Burial chamber
    Pillars I-IV
  L Entrance to Side Room
  M West Side Room
  N Entrance to Side Room
  O East Side Room
  P Entrance to Small Inner Room
  Q Small Inner Room


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