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Around the corner from Serqet/Selket, on the west wall, stands Nefertari, wearing a culture crown with two tall plumes. She is offering two nw-jars to three goddesses.
Before Nefertari, a table stands, loaded with bread, vegetables, and meat. The three goddesses are
1) Isis waers a headband and has the sundisk between two cow horns on her head.
She wears a red beaded dress and is enthroned, holding a was-scepter and ankh,
2) Nephthys has a crown that is the hieroglyph of her name, meaning Lady of the House, a basket resting atop a house.
Wearing a green dress, she is also seated, holding a was-scepter and ankh. Behind them is
3) Ma'at, , with her symbol, an ostich feather, tucked into her headband. She is kneeling with outstretched wings, shielding the queens cartouche and a shen-ring.
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Nefertari, wearing a vulture headress, is offering two nw-jars to three goddesses.
Before Nefertari, a table stands, loaded with bread, vegetables, and meat. The three goddesses are
1) Hathor is wearing a vulture crown surmounted with the sundisk between two cow horns,
a plain green dress, and is enthroned, holding a was-scepter and ankh,
2) Serket/Selket, also seated, has a headband and her symbol, a scorpion on her head. She is Wearing a red beaded dress, and is
holding a was-scepter and ankh. Behind them is 3) Ma'at, with her symbol, an ostich feather, tucked into her headband. She is kneeling with outstretched wings, shielding the queens cartouche and a shen-ring.
4. Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy nb.t-
5. Dd mdw Di.n[=i] n=t Xaa Ra m p.t 10. Srq.t nb.t p.t 11. Hnw.t tA Dsr 12. Dd mdw in MAa.t 13. sA.t Ra 14. Hnw.t tA Dsr 15. xwy=s 16. sA.t=s Words spoken: I have given you nHH-eternity like your father Re‘, may you rest for D.t-eternity. Serqet/Selket Lady of Heaven, daughter of Re‘, Mistress of the Sacred Land, She protects her daughter |
The Lower part of the corridor is mostly symmetrical, with a winged snake, recumbant Anubis, wearing a red scarf, holding a flail, Isis and Nephthys on either side. Funerary and netherworld texts.