Nefertari QV66

D. Passage leading to Recess

D. North Wall of Passage leading to Recess


The Goddess Serket/Selket

Photo courtesy of kairoinfo4u (Flickr), permission granted for educational use.

Dd mdw in srq.t nb.t p.t Hnw.t nTr.w nb.w [ii.]n(=i) xri=t1 Hm.t [nsw.t] wr.t nb.t tA.wy Hnw.t Smaw mHw (Nfr.t-iry mr(y).t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t)-xrw xr Wsir nTr aA Hr(y)-ib AbDw di.n(=i) n=T s.t m tA Dsr iw=T xa.T m p.t mi ra sA anx Dd wAs HA=s nb mi ra D.t

Words spoken by Serket, the Lady of Heaven, Mistress of all the gods: “I have come before you, Great King’s Wife, Lady of Two lands, Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt, Nefertari Meritenmut (Beloved of the Goddess Mut), true of voice, in the presence of Osiris, who resides in Abydos, I give to you a place in the sacred land, so that you may gloriously appear in Heaven like Re‘.” All Protection, Life, Stability, Dominion are behind her Like Re‘ for D.t-eternity.

1According to Timofey T. Shmakov, Critical Analysis of J.P. Allen's “The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts" (2012), 100, “the spelling xrj clearly occurs as a preposition,” see Dd mdw ii(=i) xri=k sA(=i) mry(=i) Wsir xnti jmnt.t Words spoken: “I have come to you, my beloved son” Osiris foremost of the West (The tomb of Horemheb, KV 57, Antechamber), and ii(=i) xri=k nb nTrw nTr aA nb pt I have come to you, lord of the gods, Elder god, lord of the sky (The tomb of the Ramses I, KV 16, the sarcophagus chamber).


D. South Wall of Passage leading to Recess


The Goddess Neith

Photo courtesy of kairoinfo4u (Flickr), permission granted for educational use.

Dd mdw in n.t wr.t mw.t nTr nb.t p.t Hnw.t [nTr.w] nb.w ii.n(=i) xri=t Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy Hnw.t [Smaw] mHw (Nfr.t-iry mr(y).t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t)-xrw xr wsir xnty imnt.t di.n(=i) n(.T) [s.t m]-xnty iw-gr.t iw.T xa.T(i) m pt mi ra sA anx Dd wAs (nb) HA=s mi ra

Words spoken by the Great Neith, the God’s Mother, Lady of Heaven, Mistress of all the gods: I have come before you, Great King’s Wife, Lady of Two lands, Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt, Nefertari Meritenmut (Beloved of the Goddess Mut), true of voice, in the presence of Osiris, who resides in the West. I give to you a place which is in Iu-geret (Realm of the Dead), so that you may gloriously in Heaven like Re‘.” (All) Protection, Life, Stability, and Dominion are behind her Like Re (forever).

The Goddess Neith at the time of excavation in 1904, Photo: Ernesto Schiaparelli (1904), see “La Tomba di Nofretari Mirinmut,” Relazione sui lavori della missione archeologica italiana in Egitto, Volume 1 (Torino, G. Chiantore, 1923), 83.

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I. Return to Introduction to QV66

II. Floor Plan
III. Tomb
  A and B Entrance
  C Antechamber
  C Antechamber (Part 2)
  D Passage
  E Recess
  F Doorway to Sideroom
  G Side Room
  H Entrance to Corridor
  I Corridor (Upper)
  I Corridor (Lower)
  J Entrance to Burial Chamber
  K Burial chamber
    Pillars I-IV
  L Entrance to Side Room
  M West Side Room
  N Entrance to Side Room
  O East Side Room
  P Entrance to Small Inner Room
  Q Small Inner Room


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